Sometimes it may be difficult to discern whether a person has feelings for you especially if he or she is shy.
Shy people respond in a very moderate way when it comes to expressing feelings and emotions thus making it very challenging to interpret.
But they can still act interested, so they show it in a form that does not require the use of their mouth. In this piece, well share five signs that you may find hard to decipher why that shy girl you are interested in loves you dearly.
These can be the body language and gestures that she makes while talking; this will help you get a feeling of how she is, and then handle her appropriately.
Body Language:

The communication barriers are therefore recognized and classified as namely; The Silent Communicator
Nonverbal communication is very effective and is especially important for those people,
who experience difficulties in their direct communication with other people.
You know that when a shy girl is attracted towards you she may say little but her physical signs speak much.
1. 1. Eye Contact:
A Doorway to Her Feelings
One of the best indicators of interest is, perhaps, the fact that a subject makes one’s eyes follow them.
It will also help you understand that unlike when a girl is simply not interested, a shy girl will most likely look at you but only occasionally and discreetly when she feels you’re not noticing her.
Some examples include the following :if you eye her and she gives you a glance and turns her face away, then that is good. She might also attempt to maintain eye contact just long enough in order to decipher your response.
1. 2. Physical Proximity:

Therefore its approach is subtle.
In case of the shy girls, they will transfer closer to you as a sign of their interest. She might hover close to your proximity or try to look for excuses that would make her get closer to you, this is the signal that she wants to be intimate with you.
Still, they can subtly communicate by sitting or standing close to you, leaning closer when they speak to you, or frequently making physical contact by, say, brushing your arm when they are near you.
1. 3. Facial Expressions:

The Unspoken Words Clearly, the audience for this work is the world, and the poem is a solemn appeal that has not been said.
Some of the probably the richest sources of information is the facial expressions of people. In this case, these can include a shy interest in you, and so a shy girl will display some or all of these signs.
Her body language will tell tales with things like a low flash of the lips, redness in the cheeks or she may glance at you from the corner of her eye when she is with you.
Her facial and body gestures could be most prominent especially when she is in your company as they depict her feelings.
2. Behavioral Patterns:

Based on the interpretation stated above, it can be deduced that the following are the Indirect Signals:
What a person does or fails to do may at times communicate more than what he or she says.
In self-generated situations, for example, a shy girl does a lot of things that show that she is interested, although she cannot say it aloud.
2. 1. Increased Attention:

The Unspoken Focus Transcultural Nursing: A Value Added Approach By June B. Powanda And Laura A. Dalley Transcultural Nurses Association International Symposium Boise, Idaho
If a shy girl likes you then she will pay attention when you are talking also she will avoid making direct eye contact with you. She might recall something you have told her, ask questions, or be discuss topics which may be dear to you.
Her eye contact during conversations means that she appreciates your company and would love to know you more intimately.
2. 2. Nervous Habits:

The Written Evidence
Nervousness that accompanies shyness has tendencies of exposing some nervous tics that are actually shameful.
Some things that you should look for include; When a girl starts fidgeting, twirling her hair or constantly fixing her clothes whenever you are around then she might be interested in you.
Such behaviors can be attributed to her desire on the possitive impace she wants to create or due to increase awareness of your existence.
2. 3. Efforts to Impress:

The Subtle Show is the radio program of ABS-CBN that features group of friends as cast.
An introverted girl can actually extend an extra effort to get your attention in a bid to impress you. It could be as simple as dressing well when she expects to meet you, volunteering to assist you with chores or expressing the common passion.
That is why any attempts to receive a compliment can become an essential and reliable sign of her attitude.
3. Communication Patterns:

Some of the messages that lie deeper in the texts are,
The mere communication style of a shy girl even if she has difficulties in expressing herself verbally will show how she feels.
3. 1. Texting Habits:

By the time the connection is entirely digital, integration is nearly seamless and the flow of work has to be nearly seamless.
If she is a better talker when it comes to typing, reading messages , then how she text her partner could also depict many things. This can be quick replies, emojis or even if they get in to lengthy discussions.
A shy girl may not be as verbal in her approach to a man as compared to when she is writing to him.
3. 2. Engagement in Shared Activities:

In order to facilitate such activity, the concept of joint venture is developed:
If a Shy girl Like You, She may recommend or even volunteer herself for some activities which both of you like.
Whether it is some kind of activity, interest or just time talk to her and share the same things while being with her is a major sign that she likes you.
3. 3. Response to Your Presence:

The Emotional Reaction People have different ways of reacting emotionally throughout the world with some of the severest ones being experienced in regions such as the United States of America.
You should observe her response whenever you get to a particular room or join a particular group. A shy girl that is interested in you will most definitely change how she behaves around you.
This could simply be as basic as her smiling at you or changing her body language in some way.
This is probably the simplest way of knowing if she has feelings for you or not because her ability to manifest her feelings through gesture is reduced and thus she is forced to use her face.
4. Social Interactions: group Dynamics
Other times, watching how a shy girl behaves around other people can also tell you how she feels about you as well.
4. 1. Interaction with Mutual Friends:

Consenting Relations: The Informal Insights
When it comes to people whom they have interests in, shy girls’ behaviors are not the same as when around other individuals.
You will be surprised to know that if she is comfortable in your company and she is more friendly or cheerful when talking about you when you are not present or when you are with other mutual friends, then it might be a signal that she is interested in you.
Your friends might also give you clues if, for instance, they seem to know how she feels or fancies you.
4. 2. Reaction to Your Social Media:

Digital footprint and a brief definition The term, ‘Digital Footprint’ refers to the overall permanent record of an individual’s existence online: summing up, it gives out the idea of Digital Footprint.
This may be detected with the help of Such social networks may give clues about a shy girl. If she likes or comments on your posts frequently or if she posts contents that are on your favorite genres,
then know that she has you on her radar and would love to keep in touch with you. Her behaviour on the Internet can add to the things that you see and infer from her in person.
4. 3. Group Dynamics:

They add up to an unseen process of dialogue that exists between the characters in the narrative.
In group situations a lady who might be shy and is attracted to you might shift her attention towards you and not the others.
She could then whisper or tell jokes in a language that others would not understand, then this is an indication of being interested. Another way to know your girlfriend’s feelings is to observe her behavior during group events.
5. Emotional Connection:

In this case, the heartfelt signals are Signals that have their heart somewhere within its name.
It takes time for some people to establish an emotional bond and a person who is shy will know this very well. Its best to pay attention to her emotional response as well as the manner in which she communicates.
5. 1. Personal Sharing:

Intimacy as the impact of power Knowledge of another as the elusive act of intimacy
In a shy girl, if she is okay with giving out details or experiences to you it means she cares about your company.
Such level of sharing is personal which shows that people are willing to go to the next level of friendship or perhaps the next level of interaction in respect to interpersonal emotions.