Learning about gestures and non-verbal communication can offer important information with reference to the state of shyness of a definite person.
In this article, there is detailed information about five body language clues that can tell you that a girl may be shy with you, thus to explain how to approach a shy girl.
Making it easy to understand that the ability to notice such signs whether in a social function in Philadelphia or a casual occasion at New York will improve your interpersonal skills.
1. Brief Eye Contact

One more important sign of shyness is the way that concerns itself with eyes contact. In case when a girl has shy temperament she will look at a man, but instead of keeping eye contact she looks away quickly. This can be quite observable for instance when in a coffee shop in San Francisco or when at a team meeting in Chicago.
Why It Happens: This is because shyness is characterized by the feeling of rejection, or the possibility of making a mistake. Hence, an example of a vulnerable behavior is when a shy man will avoid making long eye contact to avoid such circumstances.
How to Notice It: In case you noticed that each time you try to make eye contact she blinks or turns her eyes away or she does not look at you directly there might be a possibility that she is shy. I found it is states discomfort in an indirect way but at the same time maintain polite communication.
Example: When you meet her in Philadelphia, during a networking event and try to make eye contact with her she will look away immediately. This could be due to the reasons that she is nervous for the interaction but she remains interested.
2. Fidgeting and Nervous Habits

Another manifestation of shyness is inability to sit still, restlessness. If a girl often touches her stomach area, skirt or breasts, plays with hair or beats fingers on a table it is probable she is nervous. Such a behavior is most apparent in such contexts, as a study group in Boston or having a casual lunch in Los Angeles.
Why It Happens: Anxiety can be managed by nervous habits that are present in the society. These are some of the ways that those who may feel uncomfortable can easily overcome such feeling especially those people who are shy by nature.
How to Notice It: There are behaviors that she may perform constantly and should make sure to note them down.
These might comprise of: turning her head away from him, twirling a necklace round her fingers or constantly fidgeting with the chair.
All these behaviors come out most of the time when she feels insecure or lack confidence in herself.
Example: So, if you meet her at a small party in Seattle, she will twirl hair round the finger or keep staring at her phone. This could also be show that there are changes in her personalities and that she is shy and may use these actions to comfort herself.
3. Soft or Low-Pitched Voice

It is also important to note that a shy girl may have more subdued voice, or a bass to it. This may be clearly observed when people are talking in low tones and environment such as a library in Cambridge or a small coffee shop in Portland.
Why It Happens: Soft speaking is one of those strategies that can signal one to avoid attracting much attention to one’s self. That is perhaps why for someone who is shy to maintain a low key volume is a preferred position, because with a loud volume, there is that feeling of danger.
How to Notice It: If you have to bend forward or request her to speak louder it may be suggestive of her constrain due to shyness. This combined with her assertiveness in speaking, may be easily missed if you do not notice that she speaks in a softer tone as compared to the other ladies, men included.
Example: If at a dinner party in Dallas she would answer questions in hushed tones or may not want respond in the first place, then maybe it is shyness that is showing here not apathy.
4. Limited Physical Proximity

Self-conscious people are known to stand further than the rest. If a girl appears to stand only slightly further than you, or perhaps, a little more formally when interacting in a group in Miami or when you and her, have decided to hang out in Denver, in that may be a sign of shyness.
Why It Happens: Minimizing common touch is one of the effective self-protective measures, which helps to prevent being engulfed or invaded by others. The need made by the study is pertinent for shy people, as it lets such people to have space.
How to Notice It: Notice how she standing in respect to you and to other individuals. This may also be understood if she tends to sit or stand with more space in between both of you because this signals that she is not ready for touching.
Example: Should you see her at a concert, for example, in Nashville, and she stays ten feet away from you, and every time she joins you, she gradually steps a little back, it maybe that, she feels shy and needs more space.
5. Minimal Initiation of Conversation

Last but not the least, a girl may also be shy hence not very aggressive when it comes to chatting. If she watches you wait to talk first or give her short answers, this may be because she is shy.
This is particularly apparent in one form of social setting to another, be it an organizational team building event in San Diego, or a study session in Atlanta and so on.
Why It Happens: Among them, one may have a difficulty in initiating the conversation due to shyness accompanied with fear to being rejected or even to offend someone. This hesitation can cause them to leave it to other people to generate interaction content on the site.
How to Notice It: If you have observed that she seldom speaks first and is a more of a ‘listener’ in your relationship then he might be shy. Sometimes, be careful about her probability to start a conversation and whether she looks shy to do so.
Example: During a work lunch let’s assume in Washington, D. C., if she answers all your questions while posing very few if any questions herself, then it might simply be because she is shy.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. When I see such pointers of shyness what should I do?
When do you observe these signs, do not get angry instead be patient and even understanding. Make her feel at ease by talking politely and explaining to her that there is no need to worry and to feel like that. Never trap her into a corner and try as much as possible to let her express herself as she wants to do.
2. This bring me to my second question what can I do to make a shy girl to be free with me?
The recommended strategy to get close to a shy girl is to make her feel as comfortable as possible, so that she will not be threatened. Sometimes a woman just needs to feel that someone is listening to her. Be sure to ask her questions that will enable her to open up to you but without the need for her to feel trapped. Your attitude does not scare her away as you are more friendly making her at ease.
3. Are there are other possibilities when it comes to signs of ‘shyness’?
However, the indicated signs could also point to other issues including stress, discomfort and even shyness, among others.However it’s wrong to prejudge a person or a community by their behavior displayed in this aforesaid mannerisms. To a certain extent, consider the environment and her body language to get a better understanding of her.
4. What is the approach if one is not sure whether the other party is really shy or plainly uninterested?
Shyness on the other hand has some signs which may include avoiding eye contact and fidgeting and some of them have willingness to interact.
Lack of interest, on the other hand, may be manifested by more dramatic withdrawal or lack of efforts in speaking interaction.If there is nothing more you can do then at least try to find out if there are some signs that he or she cares or is interested in the relationship or not at least.
5. Is it reasonable to make a question as ‘are you shy?’ Anyway, I want to check if is it right to ask it or not?
It is embarrassing to go to a person and ask him or her if he or she is shy or if he or she suffers from a particular condition. Rather, the concern is to establish a setting that will enable her speak as per her desire or preference.If shyness is displayed, one should not overemphasize it while still being supportive without demanding more information.
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