8 Signs A Shy Girl is Nervous Around You and What To Do About It
Dealing with people’s emotions is not an easy task as it can be observed while trying to comprehend the behavior of a girl who might be having a crush on you but is shy.
One most of the times, bashfulness cloud actual emotions, so it might be challenging to know if she was most likely stressed by the competition or she just does not like it at all.
In case you are still in doubt, the first pointer towards knowing how a shy girl feels about you is knowing the signs that show that she is nervous around you.
In this article, you’ll learn the obvious and less obvious signs of a shy girl feeling nervous around you, why she may be this way, and importantly, what actions you should take in response so you’re able to make her feel more at ease and perhaps even take the relationship to the next level.
1. Avoidance of Eye Contact

Any shy girl, especially that one who feels she has a thing for you will instantly avoid eye contact with you. One of the closest types of nonverbal communication is eye contact,
and for a shy person, that can be extremely nerve racking. In case you find that when your eyes meet, she shifts her sight quickly or she attempts to focus on any other thing other than eyes, she could be nervous.
What to Do About It
Do not compel her to give eye contact, rather establish a friendly atmosphere that she can be comfortable with.
Begin with just flashing her the eyes from time to time then quickly avoiding eye contact to give her the impression that you are not forcing her.
In due course she may relax and start to look more into the faces of the people she is addressing even though this may not be very common immediately.
2. Fidgeting or Nervous Habits

Nervousness is the main reason why people fidget are very familiar to everyone. There are several signs of a shy girl which includes fidgeting with her hair,
biting her nails, adjusting her cloths, or shifting from one sitting position to another every time she is with you. These behaviors are normally unconscious and manic and they are sort of solving a problem, that is, relieving anxiety.
So what to do about it?
To alleviate her nervousness, make sure that as much as possible, be relaxed and bring the same feeling to the interaction.
Choose light topics of discussion that do not force her to say a lot so that she may not suffer feelings of rejection. It will also be correct to compliment her over something else so that it does not focus on her nervously.
3. Blushing or Flushed Skin

The discipline explains that blushing is a bodily function that is caused by nervousness or embarrassment. Well, if her cheeks are blushing or her skin looks beet red when you’re around,
she is definitely uncomfortable around your presence. This reaction is most of the times involuntary and it makes a shy girl more conscious of her actions.
What to do about It
She should know that it is alright to feel like that, but do not make her feel more embarrassed. It is the word of encouragement or even smile which can mean so much to an expectant mother.
Do not draw attention to her blushing as this will only make her worse. But rather, one should avoid jumping into arguing and rather switch to a positive or neutral subject.
4. Hesitation in Speech

In audio interaction, if a shy girl is nervous then she has problem in verbal communication skills. This might come out as, slow in speaking her words, having a hard time in speaking coherently or even stammering each time she wants to speak. She might speak start with speaking partial to complete sentences or she may reply in brief and brief manner in order to minimize her talking.
What to Do About It?
Do not hurry her and let her have her say what she wants to say when she needs to or is ready to do so. Do not complete her sentences for her since this will only make her feel pressured or like she is not good enough.
Instead, maintain silence or simply say “go on” or “I get you “ or any positive response which will make her to expound more.
5. Laughing or Smiling Excessively

Sometimes, a shy girl might feel nervous when she is around a men she likes and that might make her to either laugh or smile a lot.
This might be can be due to nervousness in case she does not know how to respond or probably she wants to impress him.
It might be observed that the laughter is not appropriate and the smile definitely could be forced.
What to Do about It
Say something funny and look at her smiling face while laughing and be friendly to her. However, if it appears a little forced,
then it is advisable to change the line of discussion and chose something more real. Give her the cold shoulder and the look which will let her know that she does not have to pretend to be someone she is not so that you will like her.
6. Physical Distance also known as Body Language

A shy girl who is nervous around you may avoid you or keep a considerable physical space between herself and you or be intentionally unfriendly with her body language.
This could be when they fold their arms, have slouched back or turn their body away from you or put an object such as a bag or book between both of you. These are mostly coping strategies so as to attain a sense of security.
What to Do about it
Do not try to come closer to her at the beginning, be polite and do not infringe her personal bubble. Maybe one day as she gets more familiar she may try to close the distances on her own.
Use open body language yourself: such as standing with your arms not folded, slightly hunched over and moving your body in a way that is not threatening.
7. Avoiding Group Interactions

If a shy girl has feelings for you then she will avoid situations where she has to stay in groups with you. This she may feel pressurized by the social relations or how to approach you in the presence of other people. This is not a sign of lack of interest but a method of dealing with the anxiety which she feels.
So What to Do About It
Take her to the less crowded events where she can get more comfortable or offer to meet her one on one where she is likely to struggle.
Always give her the signal that she’s included without forcing her to participate in group activities most of the time. They will also gain more confidence in social related events as she gain more confidence in your friendship.
8. Overthinking or Over-Explaining

A shy girl feels nervous around you and therefore may over analyze what she wants to say or do. She might volunteer too much information or explain things that are obvious or keep saying sorry even when there is no need for an apology.
These actions result from people’s fear of others knowing the true thoughts or feelings they have.
What to Do About It
You can gently tell her that it’s not that big of a deal and there is no need to overthink about that. Show her courtesy and inform her that you appreciate the ideas that she wants to share with you.
Providing her phrases such as “I understand you, that is correct” or “There is no point to worry about that” will make her feel comfortable.
Building Her Confidence: One opens the door to communication
The fact is that it is highly important to understand and respond to signs of shyness in a girl that can manifest herself nervousness in the beginning of a date.
The more at ease she will be in your presence the more she will be ready to show or tell you the real her. In dealing with her,
the best techniques you can employ include patience, kindness as well as consistency in order to be able to help her feel secure and valued.
Hence the objective should not be to try to transform her into someone else but can assist her in the creation of a place where she can freely express herself.
With time she will become comfortable with your company and that is when you will realize your efforts are paying off.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What’s the difference between a shy girl liking me and a shy girl being nervous?
Sometimes it’s difficult to separate the difference between a shy girl really like you and just being shy. Learn her attitudes over time. As she becomes less nervous when she is around you and she starts being the one to come over to you, she will be smiling genuinely and having meaningful conversations with you these all point to the fact that she has feelings for you.
2. Should I point her nervousness?
It is advisable to treat her nervously indirectly rather than to tell her that she is nervous It is important to make the environment in the room relaxing. Simple telling her that she makes her feel nervous might bring her discomfort related to her nervousness. Keep yourself out of it and just listen and try and be compassionate of the other person.
3. Shy girls can often make us feel for a challenge, simply because they are not outgoing and confident all the time: how do I make her feel relaxed around me?
The first steps can be to be friendly and to have the time of the youth. Send her some amusing topics of discussion, act like you care what she has to say and do not make her answer questions that can embarrass her. Give her her personal space and do not try to set the pace on how you will be interacting for a while. We have to remember that over time she will ease up because she will discover that you are a man of your word.
4. So, what do we do that her nervousness does not disappear?
If she is still nervous, it would be rather wise to wait longer for her to get comfortable enough to make a call. It is important to know that there are those who may take time to opens up as compared to others. Just keep on being supportive and patient and do not impose any pressures on her at the moment. Otherwise, take adequate time then approach her to ask about how she feels; if she still looks awkward it can be crucial taking some time and gently explaining to her as to how you feel.
5. Can one become too nervous and overexcited or too tired at the moment and could this be mistaken for a lack of interest?
Yes, it’s possible. It turned out that some signs of nervousness and disinterest may look alike, for instance, one can be shy and unable to make eye contact or keep a certain distance from someone. The one major difference lies in the exemplary regularity and setting. A nervous girl may speak with boy and be a bit shy and may not want to switch off the topic of conversation while disinterest is usually evidenced by absolutely no communication at all.
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