Shy girls will usually have a problem with the ability to say how they feel about someone. Instead of displaying signs of interest the large option, they use the small option to show that they are interested.
If you are faced with the question like ‘does she like me?’ while dealing with a shy girl, it will be useful to consider such subtle gestures. In the following article, you will learn nine non-overpowering signs a shy girl likes you.
1. Subtle Glances

An avenue that shy girls tend to display interest is by using their eyes Shy girls often send a lot of signals through their eyes.
They don’t really gaze at you but you can notice them taking rapid and tiny glances at you. Such staring can sometimes be considered as an interest in you, even when this lady immediately turns her head when you make eye contact with her.
The deepness and durations of her stares as well as the number of times she appears to look at you could tell of her desire.
Example: This is a situation where, she will be fixating her sight on you, yet you don’t catch her staring at you straight in the face. She might also look at you often during conversations: or in a group setting.
2. Light Touches

As for physical contact, while being attractive and popular, the girl may not be very actively developing the relationship, shy girls may use things like touching lightly or casually during the date.
They may be incorporated with a number of slight caresses including touching the person on his or her arm or even tapping him or her on the shoulder.
Such touches are employed to give a physical closeness that they do not want to be seen to be giving out.
Example: It could be that during a conversation she brushes your arm or shoulder inadvertently when she is laughing or when she wants to emphasize a certain point.
Such gestures are typically short and not demanding but they may tell of affection.
3. Listening Intently

Thus, if you are a girl and you want to tell your man you like him but you are shy to do so, then be good listener. She listens to every word that you utter and she will remember every aspect of your life.
These are some of the signs to show that she is attracted towards you like her interest in the conversations and even her attempt to interject and connect with your stories.
Example: It’s likely she will mention something that is familiar to you and probably discussed before which shows that she listens and respects your opinions.
4. Acting Nervous Around You

Girls who are shy when they are interested in a guy they will show a certain level of nervousness. This nervousness can present itself through some gestures like sweating, blushing, stammering and a lot of fidgeting.
Her nervousness is mostly, an indication that she wanted to do well in whatever undertaking is at hand.
Example: She may touch her hair frequently, avoid to look at you and she may struggle to say what she wants to say when talking with you.
5. Initiating Contact

Shy girls may not the first ones to make a move but once they like a guy they will approach him in one way or the other.
This could be in form of a text or any form of communication via the social networks, or deliberately looking for excuses to be close to you.
The little effort that she is trying to make in order to speak to you shows that she could be interested.
Example: She would possibly text you one day seeking assistance in doing a certain task, or she would reply to your social media posts many times than usual.
6. Finding Common Interests

For shy girls, they will look for something in common with you with the aim of feeling closer to you. She may talk on issues that interest you both or recommend activities that are of interest to the two of you. This is how she ensures that she forms a relationship and makes a chance to engage the person.
Example: She could tell you about a film she is aware that you like or proposal that you go for a show that you would like.
7. Subtle Compliments

Shy girls do not openly compliment a man but they will in one way or the other make their admiration known.
Reviewing might be conducted in a formal manner and therefore she might never openly tell you that she likes your work, your jokes, or how you look.
Example: She may say something about you did well, or say that she likes something you wore in a very relaxed manner.
8. Being Available

A shy girl who has a interest in you will always volunteer herself each time you call or get close to her. She might do all the possible things to be there for you whether it is sharing her time to assist with a particular project, attending a function in which you participate or simply being there for you when you require her.
Example: She’ll probably fancy sharing your work on something you are engaged with or attend an event she wouldn’t normally go for because you are there.
9. Lisitenging and Paying Attention to Your Friends

Infact, in most cases, shy girls will display interest in you by attending to your friends. As much as she wants to be friends because it is easy to relate with your social circle she aims at getting closer to you.
Example: She may ask your friends about you or try to initiate something with you and your friends or try to join an activity your way.