Each of us has had the experience with a person who looks all friendly and willing to start a conversation but does not speak at all. This is especially true where the subject of affection is shy girls who might find it very hard to demonstrate her feelings.
Especially for the ones that always wonder does a shy girl like me want to talk to me, the signs are always there but hard to notice. It becomes rather important to identify such covert signs as they can make or mar the attempt to initiate conversations that would create opportunities for inter-personal interaction.
All the signals of a shy girl that she wants to speak but is too nervous will be discussed in further sections of the article along with the ways to respond to those signals. After the completion of this guideline, you shall be well equipped to understand the best signals to look out for and the correct next steps.
1. It Is Also Clear From The Posture Of Her Body

Something as simple as a text message is very expressive of one’s emotional states when accompanied by a blinking or winking of the eyes. Utmost nonverbally, a shy girl whose voice is shaky due to nervousness only looks interested.
Brief Staring and Stolen Looks
And if a girl starts blushing and if she look at you and immediately shifts her gaze the other way but repeats the same trick time and again this is an indication that the girl has interest in you.
Shy girls avoid eye contact and they will not be able to sustain such a connection, however they will try to look your way from a distance.
The location and timing matter: in a coffee shop for example you realize that these quick looks are done when you are seated close to her or when she is passing by.
Fidgeting and Restlessness
This is seen when she constantly twists her hair, twirls her fingers or when she keeps on fidgeting in her seat due to her nervousness and the desire to approach you but the fear holds her back.
These are simple indicators that tend to occur when a person is thinking too much of what to say or even do next. Having insight of this is aware that she has a war inside her.
2. She moves near you whether it is by standing or sitting very close to you.

Shy girls although may not go directly and start talking with a man they want to talk to will most likely move around close to that man. The next time you find yourself surrounded by people or at a party or some social function, try and see whether she is trying to sit closer or even sit beside you.
Frequenting Your Vicinity
Look for signs showing that she has somehow decided to make herself available more often at specifically those areas where you cover your business such as library, cafeteria or park.
Whether she does not approach a man or initiate a conversation, it is very obvious she is trying to place herself within a man’s reach.
Choosing Nearby Seats
Places such as classes or meetings, the girls will sit in a position that would allow them be close enough for a conversation without coming directly and straightforward. If she does not want to be all that close to you she may sit just far enough that she can still see you and hear you.
3. She also performs soothing acts and compassion that mean a lot to people.

Small things such as when a person lacks the courage to say to the other person, ‘I like you, please be my girlfriend/boyfriend, lover,’ small acts of kindness are their way of speaking.
These behaviours may not be very assertive but they prove that she wants attention and does not have to come over to ask for a conversation.
Helping or Show Interest
She may help wash the dishes or do some trivial chore or present you with something you wished you had before you knew it. For example, she can pass a pen to you in the working session or suggest that you take a cup of coffee when you have a joint channel.
Indeed, those are her ways of touching base in absence of touching physically or in this case, verbally.
This is how to leave Thoughtful Notes or Gifts:
At times the girl might just start to introvert and instead of responding to you openly she might sneak in small notes or perhaps write down a quote related to something you discussed.
It is more like her roundabout way of investing her words into, “I do listen to what you have to say. ”These small gestures can be large signals that she wants to speak with you but she is too afraid.
4. She is more active on the social media than she is face to face.

To a majority of introverted social media and other online platforms do not pose the same feeling of awkwardness.
If you see that she is more excited in texting, liking your status, or responding to your story than when she has to talk to you directly it is a clear sign that she wants to hook up with you but does not have to do so face to face.
Prolonged Online Conversations
She can talk for many hours online, though, even more than when you are face to face. And if she’s typing many lines in a conversation, if she’s asking questions,
or if she is telling you more about herself in a chat than she would in person – this means that she feels more at ease to communicate from the chat.
Engaging With Your Content
Liking, commenting or even reacting to your posts daily is how she has been informing you that she wants to be around and get your attention.
There is never a time she sends a message very often but she will text me consistently this is a sign she likes me but lack confidence and does not approach me.
5. They are more outgoing than her her friends are more social than she is

Sometimes all the shy girls stay silent and depend on their friends to be voicing out for them most of the times. If you see her friends are friendly and they talk to you a lot it probably that she is shy and she cannot tell you directly
Friends Dropping Hints
Her friends might hint at her, mention her in conversations and tease her to speak, point out that she is single or interested in someone. This is the manner they adopted to support her without having to push her to be on top and direct everything.
Childhood Friendship : Attaching Oneself When Friends Come Closer
If she ever gets to accompany her friends when they come over just to talk to you and even if she does not utter a word, listen to her. Just her presence seems to convey, that yes, she is in the stand and wants to be part of the game but lacks the courage to fully engage.
6. She Often Appear to be Shy or Dazed in Your Presence

There is always some sort of feeling of anxiety when someone is trying to fight their speechlessness. Shy girls may blush and sweat as they approach someone they’d like to speak with depending with your response.
What is also considered a Bad Sign or a Negative Indicator is Blushing, Stammering or actually Getting Flustered.
These are typical indications of nervousness that one is likely to develop when in a situation that makes him or her uncomfortable.
If there are signs like blushing, stammering or becoming visibly nervous each time you talk to her then there’s a high chance that she becomes quite overwhelmed at the idea of interacting with you.
Such reactions tend to happen in particular areas or situations and include passing in the corridors or during group standing.
Long pauses and Incomplete non-fluent phrases
A shy girl might begin a statement, then lose her words and barely complete that statement for some reason self doubt. First, these moments are due to the heroine’s excessive thinking, which prevents her from fully expressing herself, or wanting to say something, but the nervousness gets in the way.
7. This may be the best title for the song which probably goes thus: ‘I know that she lingers even after the conversation ends’

Any girl who stays around whether after the conversation seems to have ended, she would be expecting to converse some more. If she is not participating much in the discussion, then it shows she wants to be engaged but has a certain amount of reservations.
Standing Outside in Common Areas
For example, if you are getting out of a building or a meeting and she is slow to pack her things or stalls outside, then it’s a sign that she is expecting you to start a conversation again. It’s the timing, too; these moments, these moments, occur at the end of some events, classes, work shifts, when everyone else has left.
Otherwise Known as ‘Lurking with Intent’
One of the signs is she will hover around after a conversation then seems like she does not have a reason to be around again, then it is because she might be looking forward for another conversation. Lack of her words does not necessarily mean she is not participating – probably she is only expecting you to set the pace.
Conclusion: Noticing and Facilitating Shy Interaction
Interpreting these concealed signs can be a time consuming affair as it involves observation. I have found that shy girls are very subtle in their gestures, however, there’s not much masking it once you pay attention.
Because there is no pressure to perform and impress her she will be more relaxed and thus you have a way of making conversation by acknowledging the hints of nervousness.
In this article, I have highlighted what you need to know while the flow is clear with good transition, use of active voice and a structure that you prefer.
Frequently Asked Question
Q. What is the ever interesting and effective way through which one can be close with a shy girl without being overbearing?
First of all, it is better to be quite unobtrusive and warm. Request her about the activities that are of shared interest and do not hurried her if she seems to take time to share this information with you. This makes her feel comfortable and wait for her turn to contribute on any discussion being made.
Q. How can I get her to speak more?
It also important to avoid negative cues like head shaking, frowning and averting the eyes. Demonstrate active listening whether it is for a short period of time.Encouraging positive reactions can thus go a long way in changing her behavior over time to what this sample suggests: allow her to share.
Q. Why is a shy girl more active in the communication than in case of being directly confronted?
To shy individuals, online communication is comfortable because there is no pressure that comes with face to face communication. For her, at least she can always text or go online and answer from her own comfort zone without the pressure.
Q. How do you make sure she indeed has interest in you and not just pretending to be interested?
Watch out for frequency of her peripheral signals. She spends time talking to you often, likes to sit close to you, or does other things to show she cares, then you can be very sure it is more than the chat politely.
Q. Shy girls can be quite elusive and thus requires very delicate approach, how do you go about it?
You should firstly ensure that she opens up to you and this is by making the environment comfortable for her. When asking her questions make sure that you use questions which she may not be able to answer with a simple yes or no and allow her ample time in responding. Do not make her answer the hard questions or become intimate with you before knowing her better. However, they should be realistic and avoid rushing the students into decision-making, instead tell them, ‘I am interested in working with you,’ then wait.” Once she feels at ease she will normally become more expressive.